Age: 16
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
Sponsors: Kühl
Home Club/Team: Silverfork Skimo
What racing accomplishments are you most proud of in the last 5 years? My first Powderkeg. I finished 4th on very old, heavy gear.
How/when did you start being an endurance athlete? I just love being outside and when I saw a flier at the grocery store I decided to give Skimo a go!
Favorite U.S. Skimo Race: Crowbar
What are your nutrition principles? Eat what makes me feel good.
Favorite training venue: Grizzly Gulch, Alta, UT
Favortite Mantra: I picture the finish line in my head and throughout the race see myself crossing it. But at the same time, I don’t forget how wonderful it is to be outside and I don’t take it for granted.
What do you do in the summer to train for skimo? I just spend my days outside.
Other than your race gear, what are three things you pack for racing trips?: 1) Good socks 2) Sleeping mask 3) An extra jacket
What inspires you? My coach, all the incredible athletes I race with, and my teammates who always give it their all every practice and race.
What do you do to relax? I go hiking in the mountains. Being outside helps me clear my head and makes me feel happy!
What else should we know about you? I love to garden and am currently growing an avocado.